
Interested in becoming a Jordan Dirty Bird? Come on out and give it a try. All who want to play are welcome! We offer a great amount of flexibility to accommodate busy schedules, even if you play another high school sport. Please join us in August for a mini-camp to kick off the season. Later in the summer, please also reach out via email with player and parent/guardian email addresses to be sent an invite to join our Discord server. 


It takes a village to make this team run and it is vital that parents and guardians help out. Current parents manage the team and its finances, fundraise, chaperone, handle field rentals, arrange carpools, feed and support the well-being of all players and coaches, film and photograph games, plan special events, and so much more. Parents are expected to join the Discord channel. We also ask you to sign up to bring snacks and supplies (canopies, coolers...) when possible to support players at tournaments. Some volunteering is ongoing and other times are more short-term or event/tournament-based. We need YOU to join our team! Interested in volunteering, contact us today.


Our amazing coaches volunteer much time and effort on and off the fields and with players. They also manage the schedules, the plays, and more. Coaches have membership in USAU and complete coaching certification, background checks, and safe sport training through USAU. If you are interested in coaching for Jordan please get in touch!


In addition to taking a village to make this team run, it takes a few dollars as well. Players are asked to pay fees at the start of each season and for tournaments, however, cost should not be a barrier to play. To keep costs low and to ensure all of our coaches' expenses are covered, while also being able to provide full or partial scholarships, we are kicking up our fundraising efforts. See below to learn how you can help.


eat /
wash cars

donate time & money
